Tool proposed by CTG


Support fund

As a major partner of the film and audiovisual industries, the Collectivité Territoriale de Guyane is continuing and strengthening its support for this sector, in partnership with the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée (C.N.C.), professionals and associations.

The Fonds territorial de soutien à la création cinématographique et audiovisuelle is aimed at film and audiovisual professionals. Beneficiaries are writers or directors (writing grants and writing bursaries) or production companies in the form of commercial companies, acting as line producers, with head offices in French Guiana, France or Europe (the European Union and the European Economic Area).

Grants are awarded to support professionals in the various stages of their creative work:

  • Writing assistance: Textual definition of the content of a film or audiovisual work.
  • Development assistance : Steps prior to production of the work.
  • Production assistance: Production of the work.

A reading committee made up of professionals from the sector meets twice a year to study the applications and issue an opinion before they are presented to the CTG's Permanent Commission.

Selective support for cinematographic works of interest to overseas cultures

This selective aid is designed to promote the production of short and feature-length cinematographic works of cultural interest to the French overseas departments (Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Réunion, Mayotte and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon).

Link :


Sociétés de financement de l'industrie cinématographique et de l'audiovisuel (SOFICA) were created by the law of July 11, 1985. They are investment companies set up to raise private funds dedicated exclusively to financing film and audiovisual production. SOFICAs are set up either by film and audiovisual professionals, or by operators in the banking and financial sector.

Link :

French Institute

The "Aide aux Cinémas du Monde" (ACM) is a selective subsidy co-managed by the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée and the Institut Français, reserved for feature-length fiction, animation and creative documentary projects intended for initial theatrical release. It can be granted before completion, or after completion (for projects not selected for pre-completion support).

Link :


Created in 2012, co-managed and co-financed by the CNC and the Institut français, the Aide aux cinémas du monde (ACM) aims to encourage and support the international co-production of feature films between France and all the countries of the world. It promotes the cultural diversity of cinematographic works, encourages the emergence and consolidation of foreign talent, artistic and technical collaboration with the French industry and its attractiveness.

Link :


DOTIMAGES is an endowment fund, a non-profit organization whose mission is to develop sponsorship in order to support the financing of cinema projects and, more generally, moving image projects.

Link :

The Lodeom Act

The Lodeom Act is an exemption from social security and family allowance contributions granted to companies located in the French overseas departments of Guadeloupe, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin, Martinique, French Guiana and Réunion. It applies to employees' remuneration. The Social Security Financing Act for 2021 allows audiovisual production in overseas France to benefit from the Lodéom exemption according to the enhanced competitiveness scale. Audiovisual production employers with fewer than 250 employees and annual sales of less than €50 million are thus fully exempt from employer contributions up to 2 Smic since January 1, 2021.

The tax credit

Under certain conditions, the audiovisual tax credit allows a production company to deduct 20% of certain production expenses (so-called eligible expenses) from its tax bill for documentaries and 25% for fiction and animation, up to a ceiling of €1,150 per minute for documentaries, €3,000 per minute for animation and €1,250 to €10,000 per minute for fiction.

Link :

Images of Diversity Fund

The aim of the Fonds Image de la Diversité is to support the creation and distribution of cinematographic, audiovisual, multimedia and video game works that contribute to a more faithful representation of the French reality and its components, and to write a common history of the entire French population around the values of the Republic, and to encourage the emergence of new forms of writing and new talents, particularly from the priority districts of the urban policy.

Link :

Film and Audiovisual Department

Telephone: 05 94 28 86 50

Ms SARR Guylaine
Head of cinema and audiovisual department
Mission Développement Culturel et Coordination et Action Territoriale

Head of Film and Audiovisual
Mission Développement Culturel et Coordination et Actions territoriales

The film committee

Telephone: 06 94 42 70 11

Ms PHILLIPS Christ-Laur
Film Commissioner Guyane

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